ReTraVaSSEV for soft skills

The Recognition, Training and Validation of Soft Skills for Employability of Vulnerable groups if a great important e in the present society. ReTraVaSSEV aims at training trainers to recognise, train and validate a top-5 of soft skills that are most relevant for employability, better social integration or more successful education for vulnerable groups, and this on both national and European level. This way human capital development and employability is strengthened by focussing on the development of soft skills on a different levels: organisation, sector, national, European.

At the RETRAVASSEV-conference in Brussels on October 8, 2019, CL3S reflected on the validation tool and the training package to get a grip on the soft skills of target groups. The general picture is that the tool and the package are a helpful contribution to enabling learners to take ownership of their own development and learning process!

The self as learning agent